Construction Details

Golf Course Construction Overview

Royal Sydney commenced early work on the Championship Course Project in December 2023. This included establishing the work site and preparation of the surfaces to commence construction in January 2024.

Course shaping began in early January 2024, and is expected to finish in October/November. Once construction is complete, the Club will be focusing on planting and growing in the new native landscape, which will increase our net onsite tree count to 1,592 as well as half a million new endemic plants to create an understory for animal habitats.

The Championship Course is expected to reopen in March 2025.

Construction Timeline

1: Early Works
(December 2023)

The ‘Early Works’ stage of the project will involve the establishment of the site in preparation for the main construction phase. Machinery and materials will begin to be delivered and some early tree removal will occur.

A new dam, irrigation pump and pump station will be some of the items constructed during this phase along with key green and bunker complexes.

The golf course will remain open for play during this stage of the project.

2: Construction
(January 2024)

The ‘Construction’ stage will see the closure of the Championship Course and commencement of the landscape rehabilitation and golf course renovation project. Construction will take place in a series of stages comprised of groupings of golf holes throughout the property.

The Royal Sydney clubhouse, fitness centre and other sport facilities will remain open during the construction period. Members of Woollahra Golf Club will share tee times with Royal Sydney members on a temporary hybrid 18-hole golf course which combines the 9-hole Woollahra Course with the RSGC Centenary Course.

3: Grow In
(Late 2024 / Early 2025)

Once the main construction period has concluded, the important ‘Grow In’ stage of the project begins. The focus of this stage will be the final planting of trees and landscape areas in preparation for the summer growing season. Watering and fertilising will take place regularly, as will the mowing and maintenance of grassed areas.

The golf course will remain closed for play during this period.

4: Re-opening
(March 2025)

With construction finished and the landscape slowly maturing, the golf course will re-open to Royal Sydney Golf Club members.

Play will be reduced in the early days of the new course and great care will be taken to ensure the success of the new landscape and environment.



The Project’s Construction Stage has now passed the halfway point.

Environment and Community
Protection Measures

Royal Sydney has committed to a wide variety of mitigation measures in order to minimise impacts on both the local environment and community.

It is our goal to reduce construction disturbances to our neighbours, and to ensure the preservation and improvement of a habitat for native flora and fauna during, and beyond, the project.


  • Retain, where possible, existing vegetation that is providing habitat for native fauna.
  • Flora will be surveyed for the presence of wildlife by a qualified ecologist in all areas where trees will be removed.
  • Additional habitats, such as nesting boxes, will be installed to provide homes for displaced fauna.
  • Animals found in trees and habitat impacted by removals will be safely relocated to nearby wooded habitat.
  • Native fish from the existing dam (being transformed into a paperbark wetland) will be relocated to the new, larger dam.
  • Should any animal be injured during the project, the Club will ensure its humane treatment.


  • Ongoing monitoring will occur and waterways will be protected through the use of sediment fencing, drainage swales and sediment basins.
  • There will be no negative impacts to existing wetlands. In fact, total wetland areas will be increased and the existing dam will be transformed into a paperbark wetland.
  • Material stockpiles will be carefully managed to avoid run-off.


  • The duration in which areas are exposed will be minimised and revegetation will occur as soon as practicable.
  • Moisture from existing (or temporary) irrigation will be utilised in order to minimise airborne particles.
  • Some activities will be re-scheduled during high wind to minimise dust, and work will be stopped if necessary.


  • Vegetation clearing will occur in phases so that only the areas being actively constructed are impacted at any one time.
  • Any trees in close proximity to trees to be removed or earthwork impacts will have strict protection measures implemented.
  • Hand-digging and manual labour will be utilised (as opposed to machinery) around sensitive tree and landscape areas.
  • Long-term weed prevention and management measures will be implemented.


  • Due to the nature of a golf course renovation project, the vast majority of machine activities will involve to the excavation and movement of sand around the site. It is unlikely to generate a disruptive amount of noise.
  • Significant noise generating activities will be minimal and only be performed at the approved times. Local residents will be informed in advance of any planned works of this nature.
  • Noise monitoring will be conducted throughout the construction period.


  • Vehicle movements will be compliant with hours of work and always mindful of neighbouring properties.
  • On-site parking will be available to contractors to minimise street occupancy.
  • Traffic control officers will utilised where needed.
  • Strict scheduling of vehicle movements will occur in order to minimise off-site waiting times.
Construction Drawings

This diagram shows the proposed layout of the new golf course. Click to enlarge.

This diagram illustrates all trees currently existing on the property. Click to enlarge.

This diagram illustrates the trees proposed to be removed from the property. Click to enlarge.

This diagram illustrates all new trees to be planted. Click to enlarge.

This diagram illustrates all trees on the property at the completion of the project. Click to enlarge.